Friday, April 27, 2007

Who did this?

Someone found my wish list in and sent me every single thing that he or she found there. Thank you ever so much, but who did it? The parcels had no sender's name.
Renewed my links section too. Enjoy!
No, I will not moan today. Not in the mood.


Felix Nothus said...

Well, it *might* have been me cus I like doing random stuff, but I'm most likely lying, and you'll never know.

You know, while you're updating your links page, you could be nice and put mine in there too, since I had long, long ago added yours to mine ;)

indigojester said...

Didja? Oh Gods, I have to admit I did not notice! THANK YOU!!! *bows* I am not worthy, etc etc. Problem being, all I have read from your blog is two entries, and I try to keep the links list as small and tidy as possible for the time being. Sorry! Go check the Cthulhu humor if you haven't seen the Unspeakable Vault of Doom before. Guaranteed laughs! And HEY, your comments are the best advertisment there is for your blog... Madness prevails.

Felix Nothus said...

Yeah, I understand, I added you into my blog list without telling you anyway, cus I'm such a sneaky devil.

And I'm very well aware the drawing power that commenting can have, which is why I do it.

So do whatever and tell me, or don't, I don't care unless I should care.