"...And it is the people most capable of forgiveness that are the only ones made to atone."
Anyone wishing to contact me please send an email to endymionwillawake(at)yahoo.com
Showing posts with label Greece. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greece. Show all posts
Friday, September 04, 2020
Sunday, June 07, 2020
Things are definitely looking up!
We're in 2030.
The Greek refugee problem has been solved. Not because the wars ended or Europe opened its borders or anything. The entire Greece sank into the ocean after a colossal earthquake that stopped exactly at the country's borders. Rumor says it was courtesy of the legendary bad luck of the family of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. Now the remaining Greeks are someone else's refugee problem, and they don't like it. In response to their constant complaining, they are reminded that they were the ones who voted for him, and besides, they still owe money to the European Union, even though it does not exist anymore.
The corona virus returns every September, just as swallows migrate to Africa, and goes away in April, when swallows return. The biggest companies in the world are the ones producing toilet paper. They have bought Amazon, Google, Twitter, and launched an app that finds your ideal mate comparing toilet paper preferences. Parties where you go dressed in nothing but toilet paper and a surgical mask are a thing. There are also new revolutionary masks that can double as panty liners, swimming suits, camping tents, nuclear bunkers and spaceships.
There is a heated public discussion that has been going on for a decade, whether the numbers of medical personnel are adequate or the governments should hire more people. Unbeknownst to politicians, all the medical personnel died during the first corona outbreak. They turned into mutant zombies that still frantically treat patients because they are so busy they have not realised they are, in fact, themselves dead.
The icecaps melted. Most cities are partly or fully underwater. A lot of babies are born with webbed hands and toes. Trump has been elected yet again, and claims it is all fake news and that the communists are behind it. Communists, on the other hand, are too busy learning to swim and forage underwater.
The British politicians haven't noticed any of these things as they are in an ongoing Brexit phase. The Queen is still alive and makes public announcements about how unhappy she is she outlived everyone of her relatives and generally, everyone she's ever known. In her free time, she commands the armies of the undead, including the medical personnel.
Remember the girl or guy you liked? The one you were bananas for, and hoped that they would eventually see the light and break up with their icky significant other? Well, good news is, they finally saw the light and you are in a relationship with them! Problem being, one of you has erectile dysfunction and the other is in menopause, which means you mostly spend time on the couch watching pre-disaster movies, eating unhealthy shit and farting.
The author of this entry is dead/ does not exist/ was sucked into the black hole of Greek economy and never returned. Do not try to find her. If, however, you'd like to support a dead person, please buy her a coffee.
Sunday, June 24, 2018
On paid blogging/ writing
I began this blog in 2005. There is a massive amount of work in it, and I always thought it should not be done for any other reason than to speak my (weird) mind. Consequently the idea of generating income from it never crossed my thoughts. Besides, when it began, it had zero hits. With the passing of time, this changed. Right now I have hundreds of pageviews for every new entry I upload. Still this translates to absolutely zero income.
I know what you are thinking. Well, if it is art, it should come from the heart. Money has no place there.
Yeah. Except for the fact this heart resides inside a body, and the body in question needs food, clothes, electricity for the laptop, an internet provider and so on and so forth. After these needs have been covered, then the brain of the body in question can come up with some sort of content for this blog. Never mind what that content is. Since you are here reading this, I guess you are familiar with the fact my entries jump from one bonkers subject to the next like a frog on acid. Unless you are a newcomer, in which case I should warn you: you might not like the content of this blog. If you are racist, homophobic, sexist, narrow-minded etc., then you most certainly won't like it. You may even not be any of these things and still not like it, and that's fine. Just be warned this is one of the weird places on the internet, OK?
With that in mind, let's take a look on the matter of paid writing as expressed by the excellent writer K.J. Charles, with whom I wholeheartedly agree:
I am not lazy; I could have re-written the same things in a slightly different way, but I see no need to alter her crystal clear and very funny argumentation. I will only quote two small portions of her article:
"You know what’s a real challenge for many people? Paying their rent;
feeding their families; keeping afloat. You know what makes that harder?
Not being paid."
"Paying authors lets them write. It doesn’t make them less genuine, or
less hungry (except in the actual literal sense, obviously), or less
heartfelt, or less busy. It just makes them able to live and thus do
their job, ie writing."
I am still unemployed. I have stopped sending CVs to random jobs, because I might get hired only to discover they won't pay me, or won't pay for my social security, or expect me to work overtime for free, or any combination of the three/ all three. This is the reality in Greece nowadays, as described also here and here. If, and this is a BIG if, you get hired, then you might not get paid. Which brings you to the next interesting dilemma. Keep working for free in the hope of getting some of the money they owe you, or stop working and losing the money they owe you for certain? We're also probably the country with the most heavy direct and indirect taxes in whole Europe in relation to our income. We're in the top ten of countries with heavy taxes, and yes, French people might have a higher percentage of tax, but they don't get paid a 500 euro wage per month. They also don't get taxed if their annual income is 8000 euro. Please don't get me started, because this will become a screaming fit in block capitals in a manner of nanoseconds. It won't be pretty.
So, as I said, I've stopped looking randomly for a job and I am only looking into those jobs that I know from a reliable source will do the three important things: pay you, won't work you to death, and pay for social security. Problem being, I run out of unemployment benefits this month, and next month is going to be, ahem, interesting.
If you read this blog, and especially if you enjoy this blog (cause I know there are some people silently practicing what we call hate-reading for their own bizarre reasons) please consider helping me. There is a donation button at the upper right corner. If you like my content, please consider even for a moment the possibility of buying me a coffee. If this blog is a friendly place for you, if it has helped you, kept you company, or amused you in any way, then give it a thought. It's not compulsory. But the content you have at your disposal is the best I could come up with that given moment, and as honest as it gets. It's a gigantic portion of my time and craft. I don't want to make this blog restricted to members only or add stupid advertisements. I want it to remain public and viewable by everyone. If I get even the smallest income from it, it would be tremendous help. I've never gotten anything from it, except for two coffees bought by two close friends. If I get a bit of income, I'll be motivated to write more and more in depth. If I don't, it will continue being the random thing that it is now, writing when I feel like it because I want to, and also because I have a bit of time to spare after my work. If you want this to change, you can help me towards it. Unfortunately, I can't do it alone.
To change subject, here is a very interesting music video I came across recently. It's slow, dark and haunting. I hope you'll enjoy it. You can find their music here: https://cisfinitum.bandcamp.com/
Saturday, July 02, 2016
She is closing the shop. The sun has set. She looks at
the pinkish-blue sky. There are five chemtrails from airplanes. No wonder, she
thinks. Unless they keep spraying us, sooner or later they will have a full
rebellion in their hands.
She is sweating, her heartbeat fast. She moves her hips
to the rhythm of the popular song, alone in the night, happy. Her t-shirt
clings on her, her smile wide, exuberant, unpretentious.
She is watching the second season of Daredevil. There’s a
scene with Frank Castle in jail attacking other inmates who are trying to kill
him. He is a sight to behold, a well-oiled, merciless, unstoppable killing
machine. Every breath he draws and lets out is accompanied by a shower of
blood, broken bones, maimed flesh, screams and gurgles. She watches mesmerised
as he carves a glorious path of death amongst human scum. He’s a berserker
unleashed to rid this world of filth, unshakable in his resolve. She wishes she
could be like him.
Her cats have fleas. There are two solutions for fleas:
spraying your cats (and learning to kung fu a frenzied cat that somersaults,
hisses, scratches and does a kind of superspeed static run clawing with all
four legs simultaneously) or buying Stronghold spot-on treatment. The second is
too expensive, so kung fu it is.
She is muttering under her breath as she slips her
fingers between her legs. She draws a symbol with blood on her forehead, heart
and over her womb. She whispers the holy names and welcomes the familiar
sensation of energy.
A customer at work apologises for something. She wonders
why polite people tend to be overly apologetic while overbearing, rude ones
feel so entitled.
She approaches a dog on the street. The dog is tethered
outside a shop, its owner inside. She talks to it. The dog growls in response
and starts barking at her. She turns her back and leaves. A part of her wants
to kick it, to give it an actual reason for growling at her. Another part
advises her not to take it personally. Most living beings are a direct result
of their conditioning, herself included. I will break this conditioning, she
thinks. I will make myself an exception.
She is taking a shower. There is very little shower gel
left. She considers buying some more, but then she remembers the bank took all
their money for this month because her mother owes taxes. With a sigh, she
picks up the shampoo and uses that instead.
There is a mosquito buzzing around her as she types a
sentence on Facebook. She shakes her head with disgust at the amount of human
stupidity in social media. Moments later a meme makes her laugh so hard that
she scares her cat. The cat hides under the bed. She shares a petition she
signed and gets up to get a drink of water.
A customer at work gives her life advice. She wonders why
others feel entitled to share their wisdom without knowing anything about her,
or her life, or her situation. She wonders if she too does the same without
realising it and shudders. She should refrain from giving advice. Maybe she
should stop voicing her opinion altogether and see what happens.
She is still trying to find a way to stop caring, or cause spontaneous combustion to some humans. She can’t quite decide. For the time being she is
just hanging in there.
(Ιf you enjoy my content, please consider supporting what I do. Thank you.)
(Ιf you enjoy my content, please consider supporting what I do. Thank you.)
Friday, May 20, 2016
Back online
After two weeks offline I have a running laptop again. Weee! Two friends gave me their old laptop, bless them. I have a history of using old computers and laptops. I've never had to buy one due to the kindness of friends. Truth is, I wouldn't have the money anyway.
I *did* notice that the world did not end during my internet absence. I also noticed how much time I spend on the computer. It's inevitable. I watch movies, listen to music, write letters and stories, kill time on social media. During my offline days, I read books. Lots of books. There is only so much reading a person can do and remain sane. I haven't discovered it yet. I do know I have to stop reading when my eyes burn and my head aches. It takes a long time to achieve that state of bibliophilic grace.
I am watching the sixth season of The Walking Dead. It is a very good series. It shows what happens when the social web collapses completely. Something not different than what's happening in Syria and many other places in the world now. If you subtract the zombies and add the 'good' European countries plus US and Russia bombing for freedom and the local factions killing anyone who doesn't belong to their faction, which is basically everyone else, the brutality and mindless killing is the same. What's happening in the world now is not different than a post-apocalyptic zombie series, but for some reason, human beings don't find this alarming. Unless it's happening in their neighbourhood, it doesn't concern them.
Recently a friend was telling me how lucky we are that we don't have a war here, and don't really realise our privilege. It's true. In a sense, my country is lucky. In another sense, we're not. If I place on the scales outright war and economic strangulation, I am not sure which one is worse. And economic war is happening on a worldwide scale. Billions of people are below the poverty line, or barely manage to live. How did we let this happen to this planet? Why are we not rallying on the streets instead of uploading coffee and doughnut photos on Facebook and Instagram with mobiles we bought on credit? What the fuck is wrong with us?
A few days ago I saw a series of dreams. I no longer remember what they were about, but I remember my state when I woke up. In my dreams I remembered how I felt when I was a preteen. The hope and awe and unbelievable sensation that life was open for me, that all possibilities were open. Now I am older, disillusioned, cynical almost, and so very tired that my soul aches. And it aches even more when I remember even for a little while how I used to feel. That amazing sensation of trust and faith and belief and the deep certainty my life would be so exciting, so amazing, so... magical. I don't dare think about it because it hurts so much and at the same time that sensation makes me feel alive. It makes me remember what it is to have faith and trust and an open heart. It cuts deep to expose how much I've lost on the way, and how much I can, perhaps, rediscover.
(If you enjoy my content, please consider supporting what I do. Thank you.)
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Valentine special: Ikea cupboards and Greek extreme metal bands
As a general observation, I avoid Greek art like the plague. I am not referring to ancient Greek art or the kick-ass Greek poets we were lucky to have. I avoid reading modern Greek writers, watching Greek films and listening to Greek music. Then again, there is a Greek band called Septicflesh that I love to bits. If you enjoy the darker aesthetic and symphonic death metal, check this awesome video. It's directed by Jon Simvonis, a friend of mine. If you like your visual treats a little fucked up and still wiggling/ crawling 'fresh', you'll find this right up your alley. If not, don't watch it. It will most likely put you off your food, and maybe your grandparents as well.
(If you enjoyed the video, you can see more of my friend's work at his site here, or subscribe to his youtube channel, and you can be real darlings and like his Facebook page.)
(If you enjoyed the video, you can see more of my friend's work at his site here, or subscribe to his youtube channel, and you can be real darlings and like his Facebook page.)
Other than that, it's Valentine's day tomorrow. I am busy at work. Have you noticed there are days someone leaves the doors of the asylums open and the inmates are left to their own devices, to roam the earth and make the rest of the population tear their hair? I got several escapees already. They came disguised as customers. One in particular was so weird and hopelessly idiotic I wanted to ask her if she found her boyfriend before or after the lobotomy. Being a polite seller, I kept my mouth shut and my opinions to myself. Blogging doesn't count.
Besides that, I want to refer to the fact lately I've entered a weird phase and keep ogling men like Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Chris Evans (Captain America) and Benedict Cumberbatch (in his role as Khan). Men who seem to belong to an Ikea catalogue, cupboard section. If you ask me why, I have no plausible explanation. I can only attribute it to my present age. My ovaries are probably singing the Lament of Unfertilised Eggs, and lust after man meat (=good genes for possible children, that by the way, I don't want to have). Well I never. Ever since I remember myself, I liked my men feminine. Now I stare at buffed up studs with backs like trees and thunder thighs of doom and grin absentmindedly, in an idiotic manner. Slightly disturbing, but to hell with it. I have bigger problems than my changed taste in men. Besides, the possibility of me finding such a guy is only marginally bigger than me having a relationship with the protagonist from Assassin's Creed: Unity, so I let my ovaries lament. Hey, I'm not even sure I do want such a guy as a possible suitor, OK? So I ignore this new information. Never mind the fact I lose the plot and walk into doors when a big guy near me flexes his biceps. It's under control, I swear.
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Me while discretely admiring yet another buffed up hunk passing by.
(If you enjoy my content, please consider supporting what I do. Thank you.)
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Greek reality
I've found work in a supermarket. To say it's terrible would be an understatement. To help you understand the mentality, there is a chair behind the till because if the store doesn't have one, they are subject to a fine. However, if you sit and they see you on camera, you may get fired. They are understaffed, because the owners don't want to hire enough people and pay wages. The money you get for working six days a week without a day off is 500 euro. I know, you are thrilled. I am trilled too. I'm already sick with a cold because I didn't get enough sleep while I do work for two people. I'm a hair away from going to the headquarters of the company, finding the owner who interviewed me before hiring me and telling him what I really think of his professional ethos. It won't be pretty. I'll probably use the company shirt to strangle him. But I need the money and so I say nothing and stay where I am, though I hate it. It is not going to be easy. I'll be working every day until the end of year, including Sundays.
I have to keep reminding myself I need the money. I have to keep repeating, "remember who the real enemy is". I have to keep telling myself not to pay attention to the fact after a full year of frantically looking for a job all I managed to find was this one. I wouldn't have found this one either if it wasn't for knowing someone who knew someone else and I got special treatment. Imagine that. You need to use your connections to get jobs like this one, where you slave away for six days a week every week for the rest of your life to get paid 500 euro. I pity the ones who have to do this for the rest of their lives; they deserve a metal of valour, an honourable mention, something. Companies work them like slaves and suck them dry and they can't quit without leaving their family unfed, without risking everything they've got.
Strip a person naked, take everything away, and they can still hold onto their dignity.
Remember who the real enemy is in this game. Don't lose sight of your goal.
You need the money. You need the money. If you are going to go to UK, you need to save money. So keep working and keep looking for something else at the same time.
I am out for your blood. You can't stop me. Throw as many monkey wrenches into the equation as you want. You are only making me angrier. You are only making this worse for yourselves.
It's going to hurt so much, and when I am done with you, there will be nothing left.
Keep your head down and remember who the real enemy is.
"...Look at me.
I am pilot error, I am fetal distress, I am the random chromosome...
I am complete and total madness. I am fear.
...You are all going to die."
The Crow
Friday, October 23, 2015
It was the word I used to describe my current job situation to a friend. It reminds me of a person who fell overboard and no-one noticed. In my case, the entire country was pushed overboard. I've found myself in the middle of the ocean, swimming towards God/dess knows where. I keep swimming in the hope someone will discover and save me, as in 'hire me'. I can't reach the coast, so I'm trying to keep my head above water and my wits about me. I have no guarantee someone will indeed come to my rescue and the ocean is a very big place. I can't get out, I don't know for how long I'll manage to keep swimming and I can't give up, either. Months pass by, the unpaid bills get more, the money we have to borrow to make sure there is food on the table keeps getting more and we can't pay it back. It's fun! If your idea of fun is pinching pennies and counting days until the end of the month when my mother's pension comes in, it's great fun. I keep sending CVs, no-one bothers to answer and life goes on. I keep swimming in the hope something will appear. I have no other choice.
Recently a friend told me I need to change attitude and be more flexible and positive. Maybe they are right. Maybe I indeed need to be more positive. I try, but my mother's pension lasts for ten days, and afterwards we live on credit, charity, bottles I collect and borrowed money. So perhaps offering advice while their current situation is radically different than mine is a moot point. As for flexibility, I exercise two to three times a week in the hope of acquiring a super sexy tummy, but haven't seen any results yet. My neck is as stiff as always, things moan and groan in my body and my tummy remains rather rude. There are days I feel like an old ship that's three months pregnant; bloated at parts and creaky all over. :D
You know what the funny thing is? I don't need pity or sympathy. I am not sick. This isn't a goddamn funeral. I need a job, and
to retain a certain level-headedness despite my stress and the friction
with my mother. Find what makes me push on, chat about something inconsequential, eat some ice-cream. That's what I really need. I would also be quite happy if my mother stopped using my nerves as a trampoline. When I am alone in the house, I don't get stressed. I am so blissful I could be on drugs. I do what I can with what I have. When she is in the house with me, she relieves her stress by snapping at me and reciting long-winded monologues of doom and gloom. She adds her worry to my own. It doesn't help. I try to ignore her, keeping in mind she can't help it. This is how she is, and she's not going to change now, a breath away from her seventies. But I can't help it either, she gets me low, angry and stressed.
Then I came across this lovely video and it made me smile. Maybe it will make you smile too.
By the way, the first season of Daredevil was excellent! I am in love with Deborah Ann Woll. Have been in love with her since True Blood. That girl shines from the inside. She enters a room and everything changes by her luminescence, by the white of her skin and the way it glows, by her smile. She's indescribable. I kept spitting on my laptop screen to avoid accidentally giving her any negative vibes (what Greeks call the evil eye).
Aaaaand off we go to hit 50.000 views for this humble blog. :) Go me, and thank you.
(If you enjoy my content, please consider supporting what I do. Thank you.)
(If you enjoy my content, please consider supporting what I do. Thank you.)
Thursday, August 20, 2015
is no changing what we are.
is no changing what we feel. Or is there?
am struggling inside my mind, layers upon layers of fetters and conditioning.
mind resides inside a physical form that places more fetters around my
body exists inside a society, a pre-existent construction that has its own rules
and ideas, bringing more fetters in the equation.
society is a country presently entrapped in a state of economical war with
other countries, and I have no future to look forward to, no way to realise my
if all the fetters inside weren’t enough, I am also trapped outside and there
is no place to run to. I am stranded on a hostile planet with no escape.
is nothing for me here. Only the brief repose of reading a book, watching a
movie, writing, talking to a friend, when time ceases to exist and that pain
abates for a little while.
tell me to keep on struggling, that better days will come, that this is not all
that is, and there is hope.
there is. But right now all I see is darkness. I have struggled with all those
fetters for years, and more fetters come to replace those I have removed and
broken with so much effort. I feel buried under them. I cannot breathe. I keep
pushing on, blind, broken, angry, furious with rage. I am blind rage and
nothing more. Rage is the only thing remaining to fuel me. Sadness does not
is so much blood on my hands, such a burden on my soul. This time I did not
kill anyone. This lifetime I played by the rules, and gained a room with a view
in prison.
want out. I want to live. I want even the pretense of living. I want something
I cannot have. I want bliss, and the brief moments I have experienced it make
me even sadder for knowing what I miss. I want out of here. Out of this fucking
planet. Out of this existence. Everything hurts. Every single thing I see cuts
me and burns me and hurts me. I am an exposed nerve, and no matter how well I
hide, if I make the mistake of walking out and looking at anything else than
the trees, something appears to hurt me. From the piece of litter I see on the
ground to the contemptuous glance a passerby gives to another passerby, everything
hurts and overwhelms me. I am exhausted. I want to rest. I don’t understand
anything anymore. I don’t know what I am doing wrong. Maybe this world isn’t
for me. Maybe I am not made for this world. Maybe it was all a mistake.
just want to rest. I want to close my eyes and sleep and never wake up again. I
am so tired. So sick of struggling. So sick of fighting to gain what others
take for granted. Everything is a struggle and a battle and I am so disgusted
of existing just to suffer and flail and achieve nothing.
want to do nothing. But there is so much I need to do. From mundane tasks to
personal projects, there is so much I need to do. And if I open the door and
step out of this life, even if something good happens I won’t be there to see
what I tell myself and persuade her not to do anything stupid.
don’t know for how long this will keep me here.
don’t know how much time I have left before I break completely and don’t care
today, it is enough. Tomorrow is another struggle.
day at a time. One breath at a time.
cross that bridge when we get there.
my girl.
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