"Where is our fortunate future? When does our fortunate future come?"
*I love the night. I love to take long walks during the small hours. However, were I to live in darkness for the rest of my life, unless my eyesight became nocturnal too, I would miss the colours of nature very much...
*I find it hard to sleep on my back. Then again, tiredness works miracles.
*My sense of hearing and smell have become more acute lately. It does not work to my advantage.
*Most of the time I am certain I am invisible. When I receive compliments by men, I feel immediately alarmed. I am sure they have something bad in mind.
*When I start conversing, actually conversing with people, they either irritate me, disgust me, or both.
"For all that is worth/ the blood on my hands/ is the blood of divinities."
*In my happiest moments I have always been alone. I don't think this will change no matter what happens. The purest contentment is always found inside one's own self. I have recently come to the conclusion that happiness while being with others presupposes a rather naive mind. I've recently also come to the conclusion I am very damaged.
*Beautiful images attack all my senses to the point of actual physical pain.
*I use music the same way others use class A drugs.
*I don't like being touched, hugged, fondled or petted for more than ten seconds at a time, any time.
"I will scream as much as I want and if my voice dies, then let my voice die."
*I can't sleep unless I have a pillow between my legs. Failing to find that extra pillow, I place both hands, a jacket, or anything else I can find.
*I think humans go contrary to nature in a million different ways. The concept of females beautifying themselves is alien to nature; in all cases, the male has to be beautiful and make highly ritualistic approaches for the female to choose him.
* In the blowing of the wind I hear the trees chatter away and share secrets. I wish I could understand what they say.
*I'll always regret not becoming chaos in its most refined, unstoppable form. I'll always regret not leaving behind me a trail of corpses. I'll never, never stop hungering for destruction. All behind the perfect mask.
"Your scars, my love, show me your scars... What a delicate pattern they must dance across your heart..."
*I sometimes marvel at the ease with which people trust. The human body is so fragile, and yet with how much eagerness they entrust it to perfect strangers. Look at me. An utterly inconspicuous nobody. So simple to take someone home. So easy to get on top of a brain dead, excited male. The wall next to bed. My hand on his head. One sudden, decisive push. I am strong. The blunt item in my hand as he is shocked and dizzy. End of game. Only trouble, getting rid of the body. Could I live with myself afterwards? How many times a day do I step on an insect and don't even realise it? What is the difference between the average human and a cockroach? The fact they plead once they realise what's going on? Perhaps cockroaches plead too, if we could hear them. And girls... Girls look so pretty when they're scared out of their wits. Big eyes. Tender big eyes and lovely soft parts on their bodies. I could be the woman you ogle at a bar. I could be someone you have known for the past five years and have never ever given you reason to doubt or suspect me. I am the woman some of you have known for years and you don't doubt or suspect me. How can you know the kind of strange flowers that take root and bloom in my garden? You can't.
"In the dark morning I hear you whisper goodbye. Love me. Abandon hope."
*There are days I see those women in their sixties or seventies, with dead eyes and dead souls. They have nothing to look forward to and nothing good to recall. Becoming one of them is my greatest nightmare.
*Sometimes, the greatest act of heroism is to keep on living.