Showing posts with label Advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advice. Show all posts

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Here and there.

It could be funny. Mindlessness is an art I excel at lately. I spend money to avoid thinking. I buy myself magazines with Japanese rock stars, CDs, cute stationery; what most men would call cute pink crap. I look at pink frilly little designs. The child inside me, cornered, frustrated, sad beyond words, for a moment sighs with relief. A small pink breath for her and I wish, I wish I could connect with her again and tell her it's going to be fine. I don't dare connect because then I will cry non- stop for everything, for all the things that life has turned me into, for all the things I wished I would be and never came to be, for all those moments I fail to face the world with an open heart and my eyes filled with innocence and thirst. Like she would.

I am so sorry sweetheart. I am so sorry for the things that have happened to you and for the pain you had to go through. I am also sorry for the times you will be disappointed in the future, because, you know, that's human nature.
But that's not how it was supposed to be.
It's not.

I wish I could tell her it's all going to be fine and believe it myself.

I wish I did not have to cry in the middle of the fucking net cafe like a goddamn idiot.

She doesn't want kawaii stationery. She wants to be loved.
She is lonely and scared and wants someone to hold her.
I am so very sorry sweetheart.
So very sorry.

Monday, July 20, 2009


"I know, the past will catch you up as you run faster, I know..."

All bonds break
Reality subsides
All hell breaks loose
It all crumbles to dust
No turning back.

This body will eventually fall apart just like everything else and it won't even have fulfilled its purpose, which was to be loved.

I am left with no choices. You left me with no choices.

Loneliness creeps in and sadness pours down like a unexpected summer shower. Startling cold.

I was handed a sword. Entrusted to cut clean.
I did not refuse it.
"Fear cuts deeper than the sword."

I twist and turn in my sleep, pushing the nightmares away, flailing, gasping. Not now, I will not have those memories surface now. I will deal with them in my own time. When I am awake. NOT IN MY SLEEP.

One day it will all be gone. No more second chances. No other choices, no alternative pathways. Nothing. Void. Back in the Embrace.
Do you realise that?
Have you played the game well?
Have you done all you could?
Have you tried all options?
Have you given your best?
Cause one day you'll be gone. Gone for good.

No one will ever again smile like you did, with the same knowledge gleaming in their eyes. No one will make your favourite food or coffee like you did. No one will touch your lover, or child, or parent in the same way. Nobody will throw tantrums in the same manner or be sad in the same degree. Nobody will be able to replace you. No one in the world will be able to appreciate a moment the way you do. Do you realise that?

Do you realise your time here is finite? Do you appreciate every day? Do you give your best, or plainly drag your feet in a half-hearted existence? Do you understand, fully understand, feel to your bones the irreplaceable void you'll leave in your place once gone? Do you appreciate yourself for all that you are and do, every little quirk and gesture that make you unique? Do you comprehend that one day there won't be a next day to set things right, to apologise, to touch someone or kiss them, to say sorry or "I love you"? Do you really, truly understand that some people will never hear this from you if you keep postponing it?

Do you really think you are going to live forever?

Do you sleep easy at night?
Do you have secrets?
Do you cry?
Do you get mad when people smile at you?
Does anyone in the world hold you when you are alone and afraid?
Do you care?

Late at night, when I walk the streets with my dogs, my footsteps echo in the distance and manage to stir only dust and memories.
Sometimes I sing with my MP3 player shutting off all sounds and I wonder what my voice sounds like.
[A mad woman, an owl, someone calling out to ghosts.]

So many ghosts
so many goddamn ghosts
hordes of ghosts following my every step and me crying out like a monster, an owl with the face of a woman, a harpy, a miasma.
My hands weave spells secured by my voice; tightly woven intricate patterns of energy like some spider from a fairy tale or stories from the old, and I grow older with every passing breath and yet there isn't a single stone on which I can lay down my burden and rest...

Everything carries power and special weight
and I wish I could embrace you and show you my love
Break your frail, bird-like bones in my grip...

Tiny creatures
we're all tiny creatures digging a pitiful existence in the mud
our eternal loves and ideals swept away in a single blink of a dragon's eye
and yet the pride, oh what pride we have...

Name the reality drug that keeps you going
name the illusions that feed your ego and make you feel invincible
name the addictions you harbour that make your world make sense
and all these while our existence lasts only for a scream
and our souls flutter away blind
leaving as blind as they arrived
and it's repeated into eternity.

Is it all meaningless?
Is it futile?
All those years, were they wasted time?
Only time will tell.
Till the dragons fly again,

Monday, April 27, 2009

Baffled and bewildered

That fucking thing called pure intentions. Oh that goddamn elusive chimera, so important for those needing to sleep peacefully at night. How can anyone be certain of good intentions when our mind pulls the blindfold over our eyes while whispering seductively in our ear, sweet talking us into yet another little game with our familiar toys? Mind games and other people, power games, games of possession, obsession, victimization. The promise that if we play the game the pain will stop or be forgotten. And the sweet shiver down our spine, the tingling inside our loins. He or she fell for me. He or she mistreated me. I am powerful/ I am a victim of circumstance. I am the one in control. I control my possessions/ I control my misfortunes. I choose my toys/ I choose who's gonna turn me into a toy. I will make myself crazy/ other people will make me crazy.

Good intentions. Not pure intentions. The way to hell is paved with good intentions. Literally. Good intentions can be a one way ticket to hell for both doer and receiver of the action. I know all these things. Doing the right thing for the wrong reasons is what makes good intentions nearly lethal and so immaculate in the eyes of the doer/decider. I know those things. And yet there is one thing I cannot see in a situation, one blind spot that makes all the difference, and I'll be damned if i can see it. I know I will. Ask and you shall receive. And I asked. But damn all the mainstream monotheistic guilt-ridden religions of the multiverse, I cannot see it YET. It drives me nuts. Hell and damnation! Being evil is certainly less trouble! At least I would be able to indulge in power games (which I sooooo love) without my conscience throwing fits and tantrums that there is something I cannot see. I would be able to violate lots of underage Asian boys as well, to the point of them always screaming my name when they have an exceptional orgasm. Always and forever. Till their last fucking days. Arghhhhhh!

I'm reading lots of English grammar lately. Perhaps this is to blame for my condition???

Monday, August 13, 2007

Sick and tired.

It seems that every person who has contacted me lately seems intent on one single very particular thing: busting my balls. It's also interesting to see how they do it. Whenever they talk to me, all their insecurities go in full tilt and they just have to let me know how wrong I am. They begin by projecting all their personal behavioral patterns onto my entity. If they are mind numbingly stuck onto specific notions, they accuse me of small mindedness. If they are the type to lose their patience if someone does not immediately fulfill their wishes, I am the one who's unreliable and hypocritical. If they are scared of me because I am too much, I immediately "become" too picky and fascistic in my approach to things. None of these people know me. None makes an effort to get to know me; they just assume. No questions, no discussion. I am the poison of their status quo, the worm inside their golden apples of perfection. Therefore, I have to be squashed. They proceed to attack this entity that they see in my place in order to purge themselves of all the crap they carry within, they demonise me because they don't have the guts to see that I only mirror what is happening inside their own minds. I am the outside manifestation of their inner issues. And they try, oh how hard they try to insult and belittle me and make me sorry. Well. Human nature, I suppose. Sing on, my dear ones, sing on. I don't give a fuck about what you believe. You were the ones who approached me to begin with, I did not. Heee he he, and once they realise I am not another Spice-Girls-In-Reverse brainless scared little gothette/fashion victim, that can be easily manipulated and impressed, they rear like panicked cockroaches. I am not the one who needs attention or asks for contact. I write "Sorry no new pen pals" for a reason. To avoid the likes of you, dear open minded people. To avoid sixty pages of gossip or people who are pleasant only if someone pats their backs. So come to me all guns blazing, come to me full of insults and spit your poison. I care not. I know what I am. People attack if they feel threatened or cornered. If my being myself makes you so scared, if you can't take the heat, then STEP OUT OF THE FUCKING KITCHEN. I have a job to do and you only annoy me.
Krista, Beth, Carrie and the rest, thank you for embracing me wholly and without judging me. At least there are some people out there who have the guts to embrace difference, perhaps because it feels familiar...

Friday, May 11, 2007

Tearing up things again.

Music: Agalloch: Ashes against the grain.
Song: Fire Above, Ice below.

"The woeful silence and wind's reflection/
Of your body's pale ode, an icy fortress of blood and ages/
Sky fire above, ice below the hearth/
Fall away from me to that citadel at the end of time/
Where death sleeps and dreams of your buried pain/
There has never been a silence like this before/
There will never be an ode like this again."

It has happened twice in the last three months. Been tearing up all those things I have been keeping as mementos. Old letters, letters and photos of boyfriends, terrible poetry I had written when I was ten or eleven, diary pieces complaining about boyfriends I never had, clipouts from magazines, copies of letters I had sent to people... I have been keeping those things believing they were in a way describing me and what I am. Problem being, I'm not that person anymore. I do not care about those people, don't communicate with those pen pals anymore and generally these are just old skins I have shed on my way to now. Like an idiot I have been holding onto skins while the original is here in flesh and blood. Who needs those things? Certainly not I. So I tore and tore and tore until I had a trolley full of past and then I went and emptied it into the recycle bin. I felt relief.

It's amazing how much papercrap one manages to accumulate in any given amount of time. For me, at least, it's papercrap. Other people with different inclinations collect other types of crap. Notice the keyword: crap. These things are just material objects. They are not us. Western civilisation has given to death the status of the absolute end, while it is nothing more than the transmutation of energy. So people collect things in order to keep death at bay, they hide under tons and mountains of bullshit. One day death comes and finds them and those left behind throw everything away, or suffocate under their crap, harbouring the illusion of those things being the person that is gone. We have promoted material objects to people. Congrats.

What is it about death that scares us so much? Probably the dissolving of ego, the loss of personality. Why? Ha. I wish most people HAD some personality, in order to be justifiably scared of losing it. I am being mean again, I know, but believe me, you have no idea what being mean is about and I'd rather leave it at that. I however promise that at a later entry I might decide to analyse what good and evil means for me. You don't have to agree, of course. You don't even have to read it, so...

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Night walk

Sometimes, late at night, the urge strikes me to go for a walk. I take my MP3 and off I go, letting my feet guide me. The place I live is close to a mount and a forest of sorts, but I walk the streets. They are a maze.

I walk quietly, or I might go dancing and singing if the song is inspiring and the mood is right. Most of the time I am what I strive to be in real life too: an observer. I walk by and steal glimpses of the lives of other people. I see their gardens. I stop and smell their flowers, or touch their trees. When a room has the light on, I stop and observe the house. I see what kind of feedback I get. Would I like to live there? I often wonder what I would be like if I had grown in that house and had been in the company of different people. Would I be different? Then I count the lighted windows, estimating how many people are not sleeping, much like I am not. Are they expecting something? Are they insomniacs? Perhaps they are guardians, even without knowing. Perhaps they are suffering, or making love, or staying up till late watching this or the other film. Or maybe they are tormented by others, or tormenting themselves or others. Are they happy? Are they sad? Do they realise time flies? Do they strive for the best they can, or they hold back, afraid of fate, others, themselves? Do they live at all?

I don’t envy the lives of others. I know I will never get to live their lives and don’t want that to begin with. It’s me I am always talking to/with. Through my eyes and personality I interpret reality and am content being myself. Yet there are times I wonder, how many of these people will come to be meaningful to me, how many will be indifferent or even enemies, how many of them will be my lovers, which one (if any) will be the one to kill me, though ill intent or otherwise. Does it matter? No, it doesn’t. Those are just questions to pass time. What does matter is that time passes.

Do you ever see me passing by? Do you realise I am talking to your flowers or myself? Do you think me crazy? Do you crane your neck trying to catch a glimpse of the glorious night sky which envelopes the whole planet? Do you realise how tiny you, me, we all are, how easily a tragedy can take place, stripping you bare from everything you consider familiar, from your security and preconceived notions of life? Do you tell to those people that matter to you how you feel about them? Do you spend a few minutes every day with the one you love, be it a parent, companion, child, pet, or craft? Do you let them know you are there? Or do you just let time pass, thinking about bills and wages and pussy and dick? Do you really care? Do you see? Not just look, but see? 

Open your eyes
The night sky is clear tonight and the stars are a sight to behold
The night is sweet, and mostly quiet, and smells of flowers and spring
The earth awakens
Every moment, with every breath you take you change, you become a different person, a different version of yourself
Every moment, with every breath you take, millions of cells in your body die and new are created and your consciousness is begging you to make that one step that separates thought from action
Open your eyes. Wake up from your coma.
This is your life, right here, right now. This is your life, so you might as well live it.
Open your eyes.
You might just see me passing by.

Friday, March 30, 2007


I watched the movie "What the blip do we know" a couple of days ago. I have not been the same since. Make sure to somehow see it: steal it, rent it, download it... I don't care. Just watch the bloody thing, to realise why you do the things you do, and what really stops you from being happy. Still here? Go grab it!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Morbid fascination

A few hours ago I had to drag a disemboweled dog to the side, near the pavement, with his owners watching me transfixed and shaken to their core. Someone had just run him over and left. I knew this dog, it was a rather irritating little bastard, but he did not deserve this fate. Nobody does.

It's rather funny being what I am. Most women would never bear to be close to that dog, let alone touch it. I was so taken aback that I could not really think of anything else than what had to be done. And it was done. Two days ago I was on my knees on the ground at two a.m. digging out cyclamen bulbs, with my hair hiding my face (like Sadako in the Ring). Tonight I was trying to move the dog out of other people's view, taking generous eyefulls of what once was his insides and now was on the pavement, still steaming hot and twitching though he was dead. Having cured and cooked meat quite a number of times, I can tell you it was not very different, save for the twitching. Disgusted? You should not be. You are not -I am not- very different on the inside. What makes the difference is the way we choose to live our life before we are transformed into rotting bags of meat and entrails and bone. And maybe not even that. Maybe the universe does not hold human beings in higher regard that trees and insects. Humans suffer from this need to feel themselves the center of the universe, but they can't really offer any proof that this is the case. So choose wisely lads and lassies. Make sure that your actions make sense to you if not anybody else. At least it will help you sleep easier at night, but as for granting you a place in heaven or anywhere at all, I can't really say.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Sometimes I peek into an illustrated book, or read a couple of lines here and there. A series of tiny explosions takes place within my head, related to possibilities about my life and other stories.

"What has to be done, has to be done. Regardless of how hard it is."
Sergios Alexandriotis, The way of things

I was having this conversation with a friend of mine yesterday. And I told her, “I am paranoid enough to stop seeing people if I fear that my meeting will hurt them, (talking about an ex there) or that I may have some ulterior motive even I am not aware of. I am crazy and enough of a control freak to strangle such notions within me before they even start to exist.”

“The way to hell is paved with good intentions.”

How weak must one feel to exert control at such a degree, it only remains to be seen. This isn’t a moral code; it is the sword of Damocles. It is scary. The Emperor reversed in female. It is probably the influence of the moon in my birth chart, Moon in Capricorn, a born bitch mellowed by a saintly streak half a mile wide. Hmph.

“If the demons lie within, they travel with you.”
Jeanette Winterson, Oranges are not the only fruit

And I told my friend that the best way is to be. Not exert control over others, cause it is both futile and wrong. Not try to control one’s life at an absolute degree either, cause “if you want to make the Gods laugh, tell me your plans for the future.” Not even try to control one’s self, thus becoming the hated tyrant over one’s own being, a reflection of cold unforgiving law in the inner mirror. No, not even that. This is as wrong as trying to control others, or one’s environment by adopting obsessive/compulsive habits. No.

“In the end, I have only one true teaching for you, Dane. One simple word: disobedience.”
Mad Tom to Dane, Grand Morrison, The Invisibles.

Just be. Like flowers are. Like grass is. Accept things with grace. Do not bow your head accepting fate blindly, do not remain silent out of weakness but out of wisdom that comes from knowing one’s position. A speck of dust in the universe. An assortment of flesh and blood and dust from stars in the other end of the galaxy. And so many dreams and desires and cravings it pains me to think about. Humility is about that. Being humble is that. And it is so much different than serene, patronising smiles.

How much contradiction can a human host?

You have me, a misanthrope working for the good of community, a neutral good person with a serious authority problem (who’s simultaneously one hell of a control freak) supporting others’ freedom of choice fanatically. I am not lawful because I have absolutely no respect for human laws and conventions, but at the same time I am a disciplinarian obeying to my own law on pain of death and blind faith. At the same time, I am biased enough to hate fanatics and crazy enough to accept the possibility of all points of view being equally valid, cause they are very real for their bearer. However, I also believe that each point of view is nothing but one facet in a multi-faceted gem and therefore each of them if viewed alone and on an absolute basis can only be wrong. There are (and will always be) more things that we don’t know than what we know. How can people be so bloody certain of what they think or believe? How can they be so blind and ludicrous? Then again, who said human beings are not ludicrous? They make me mad and sad all the time. And yet, with what eagerness I seek their company. It must be because like it or not, I am one such myself. No god and no beast.

All I know, all I’ll ever know is that there are moments my very soul stands still, tiptoeing on an invisible thread of music, a hue of colour, a form. And it trembles and vibrates like a violin in love. For the merest of glimpses. For something others don’t even notice. If this makes me silly or moonstruck, I welcome the characterisation. Yet there are nights I can feel invisible gates opening or shutting somewhere in the ether, there is a quality in the cold air that speaks of North and sights much loved and long forgotten, and of how the girl with the sad eyes buried her heart deep in the snow where nobody would ever find it and hurt it. Now she walks in unusual places far away, a stranger among strangers, juggling with her thoughts and feelings and dressed in darkest blue, and she smiles because she knows her heart is buried- and safe. And she also knows that in due time she’ll make them all pay by pulling the carpet called reality from under their feet. But for now, the Beast is asleep under the snow and everybody is safe.

And still what I want to say remains untold.